Course Content

The course consists of six main themes of study:

  1. asana
  2. pranayama
  3. meditation
  4. teaching
  5. philosophy
  6. anatomy and physiology

Programme Details

Half Moon

Asana, pranayama and meditation are the foundation for all your future teaching and the source of your own inspiration. Our workshops will elevate you to new levels of personal practice and vastly deepen your understanding of Yoga. Included in the workshops will be the following and so much more:


  • Extensive practice and analysis of the asanas
  • 'Hands on' assistance; exact physical alignment within the poses
  • Internal awareness; the inner content of the asanas
  • Therapeutic application of the postures
  • Adapting postures for all ages and types of ability
  • Tuning up; safe asana practice
  • Flowing forms; movement sequences
  • Partner Yoga
  • Personal practice; choreographing your own routines


Teaching Ujjya breathing
  • Feeling the flow; abdominal breathing
  • Full flow; the complete Yoga breath
  • Ujjya (the victorious breath)
  • Nadi Sodhana (alternate nostril breathing)
  • Kapalabhati (kriya: skull shining breath)
  • Kumbhaka (rhythmic breathing)
  • The Bandhas (energy seals)


Steve leading a singing bowl meditation
  • Vipasana (breath awareness)
  • Tratak (kriya: gazing)
  • Mantra (incl. Aum and Gayatri)
  • Sound Meditation (incl. Tibetan bells and crystal bowl)
  • Visualisation
  • Mudras (types and effects)
  • Sacred geometry (mandala and yantra)
  • Chakras, nadis and prana
  • The hara; our physical and spiritual centre
  • Microcosmic orbit


  • Sagely advice for adventurers; the sacred yoga texts (including the Upanishads, the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita)
  • The principles of Yoga expressed in art and nature
  • Yogic history and the prehistory roots of yoga
  • Contemporary teachers of spirituality

Essential Reading

The following translations of these essential texts are highly recommended but other translations are acceptable.

"Light on Yoga" - Thorsons
B K S Iyengar
An asana-bible presented by a master Hatha Yogi.
Great for comparative reflections in relation to your particular choice of teacher or style.
"The Ten Principal Upanishads" - Faber & Faber
W B Yeats with co-author Sri Purohit Swami
Enjoyable and accessible translations of the Upanishads which provide a bright philosophical back-drop to the yogic teachings.
"The Bhagavad Gita" - Penguin
Eknath Easwaran
A clear and lyrical translation of the grand poem regarded as sacred for thousands of years with an introduction placing the Gita within its historical and cultural context.
"Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" - Inner Traditions
Georg Feuerstein
A good, scholarly read around the sutras! Another clear translation can be found in the book "The Heart of Yoga" by T K V Desikachar.
"Human Body" - DK
Steve Parker
A very clear look at human anatomy, fully illustrated and aimed at the reader with no previous knowledge of the subject - highly recommended.
"The World's Best Anatomical Charts Book" - New York
Lipingcott, Williams, Wilkins
An optional extra but highly recommended!
Teaching the tree

Teaching yoga is an immensely rewarding way of being of service to others. The course will enable you to develop skills and sensitivity essential to teach Yoga effectively and with confidence. Practical teaching experience will be gained within a wide variety of settings and will include the following topics:


  • The inner teacher; inspired teaching
  • Designing and sequencing your own class and workshop presentations
  • Varying styles and methods of teaching
  • Teaching Yoga safely
  • Speciality Yoga; an overview (prenatal, therapeutic, kids, seniors)
  • Teacher Ethics

Anatomy and Physiology

  • Practical anatomy; the major body systems
  • Basic first aid and health issues
  • Preventing and overcoming injuries
  • Physiological effects of the asanas

The course also offers the opportunity to share resources, network and participate in our ongoing projects (festivals, books, recordings etc).